Fairground Attraction Dear Santa Fur's The Season
Best Things In Life Are Free Some Bunny Loves Me Color Me Beautiful
Just Another Day

Under The Boardwalk...

Fly Me To The Moon

"Victoria Diane and her sister were born in Oklahoma/USA
on April 13, 1997. They split the quintessential Bichon
qualities between them. Victoria Diane got the perfect face
and exquisite personality. Making the decision on which of the
girls I would share my bed with was not difficult.
At just 4 weeks old, Victoria Diane had grasped my
heart strings and tugged out her name! She is uniquely
suited to the social scene. When folks speak of her,
they always remark about her excellent behavior & obedience,
as well as her social skills. Her successful adaption to life
all around her, including an extraordinary love for God's creation
of nature, causes me to look on her every day with a love and
pride that exceeds description. Contrary to the opinion of most,
God did in fact endow animals with souls and spirits and their own
inherent language known to each other and to their Creator &
His ministering angels. We are blessed to walk amongst them
and I, to walk with Victoria Diane."

~ Shirl Yancey ~

Everybody Comes To Rick's HOMEPAGE SITEMAP Dear Santa

Unless otherwise stated, all contents & photos contained on this webpage are the sole property of EDDEL the webmaster,
and may not be copied or reproduced (in part or in whole) for inclusion on any other website or literature. Copyright © 2003~2005.
*All photos of Victoria Diane are the property of Shirl Yancey and may not be copied, reproduced or downloaded*
Other pretty graphics are from Aunt Helena @ GRAPHIC GARDEN. These graphics are copyrighted; do not copy.